Hamro Ramailo Kathaharu

Hamro Ramailo Kathaharu (HRK) is a collection of animated local stories and language games designed to develop emergent literacy skills and reading habit, and foster creativity and imagination in young learners. Currently available in Nepali but adaptable to any language, HRK uses audio-visuals, illustrations, and animations, combined with interactivity, to help young learners to effectively listen to illustrated stories, decode sentences and words, learn vocabularies, form words from letters and sentences from words, as well as learn the alphabet, listen to the sounds, and be guided on how to write the letters.

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HRK Banner Image


stories icon

50 stories

sourced from communities across Nepal

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7 games

for engaging language practice

HRK skills icon

For early learners

Stories and games designed to promote emergent literacy and early grade skills

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Multilingual support

Currently available in Nepali, adaptable to any language!

Featured Stories & Games

Puzzle game HRK thumb

पज्जल खेल (Puzzle Game)

Aama Chamai HRK Story Thumb

आमा चामाई (Ama Chamai)

Ma Pani Sakxu HRK Thumb

म पनि सक्छु! (Ma Pani Sakxu)

ma kina school jane HRK thumbnail

म किन स्कूल जाने र? (Ma kina school jane ra?)


Current Projects

Digitally Enhanced Early Reading Program

April 1, 2019 - Dec. 31, 2023

The Digitally Enhanced Early Reading (DEER) Program, a collaborative effort with ONGD-FNEL from 2019 to 2023, aimed to promote promote emergent literacy and early-grade skills in the Nepali language through locally relevant and contextual animated children's stories, and interactive games. The project focused on sourcing local stories from diverse communities across Nepal, creating a rich collection of 50 local stories in the Hamro Ramailo Kathaharu (HRK) platform, complemented by seven interactive games. The project also conducted dissemination campaigns and teacher training sessions in 38 schools across 11 districts, leveraging activities from our other projects. These efforts included dedicated sessions in 7 schools for hearing-impaired learners, ensuring the inclusivity of our educational reach.

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Aama Chamai HRK Story Thumb

Empowering Local Communities through Local Language Education and Skill-Based Training

Jan. 1, 2024 - Dec. 31, 2028

The LLEST Project targets two critical educational challenges in Nepal: the shortage of learning materials in local languages for early childhood education, and the lack of quality resources for skill-based training in rural areas. The project aims to enrich early learning with interactive stories in various local languages, while also enhancing vocational training accessibility through digital courses, focusing on bridging educational gaps in underserved communities.

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Algebra 1 Seepalaya Thumbnail


Digital Learning Solutions Icon

Digital Learning Solutions

We develop free and open learning resources, designed with a student-centered approach and tailored to the local environment, to provide engaging and meaningful learning experiences for students.

Robotics and Programming Icon

Robotics and Programming

We train students and teachers to build and program robots using educational robotics kits, sensors, and easy-to-use graphical coding interfaces, fostering problem-solving, creativity, and technical skills.

Teacher Trainings Icon

Teacher Trainings

We empower teachers through comprehensive training in IT literacy, child-centric interactive teaching, and seamless integration of ICT-based instruction, utilizing practical teaching and interactive hands-on sessions.

Infrastructure Support Icon

Infrastructure Support

We help schools set up low-power and affordable computer labs connected to an offline server and WIFI router, providing access to learning resources in areas with limited or no internet connectivity.

contact us

Whether a short-term event, project, or longer-term commitment, we welcome you to join the effort. Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form.

Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have further comments, you can also contact us directly at info@olenepal.org.
