
E-Pustakalaya is a free education-focused digital library containing full-text documents, images, videos and audio files that can be accessed through an intranet or the internet. E-Pustakalaya users can read books, view videos, learn through interactive activities and listen to audio clips. E-Pustakalaya holds collections in Nepali, English and other languages of Nepal.

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Accessible through offline server for remote, uninterrupted, and fast access

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Contains full-text documents, audio, video, images, and interactive educational software

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Hosts content in Nepali, Newari, Tharu, Tibetan and other languages of Nepal.

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Installable in low-power servers, ideal for those with limited or no internet access

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chandako chahara book

छन्दको छहरा (Chandako Chahara)

developing reading habits in children book

Developing Reading Habits in Children

kati wota roti book

कति वटा रोटी? (Kati ota roti?)

teachers guide grade 6 thumbnail

Teachers' Guide | English | Grade 6


More About E-Pustakalaya

Designed and Created For


We provide free and easy access to age-appropriate books that help improve children’s reading skills and develop a reading culture in schools. Our interactive digital learning modules, educational videos and reference materials help students do research projects and promote the habit of independent inquiry. We also have accessible books in Nepali language.


Teachers can benefit widely from our selection of books, various teaching resources and educational materials in core subjects as well as various other subjects such as agriculture, health, environment, and technology. We also have plenty of reference materials for professional development.


The communities around the schools can also access the content on the digital library on their laptops, tablets or mobile phones. The audio-visual content on health, livelihood and agriculture can be of great benefit to the community members. They can also use personal devices to download books to read later.

More about e-pustakalaya

Our Sources

OLE Nepal has sought and received permissions from authors, publishers and organizations to add the materials that are found in E-Pustakalaya. An advisory panel consisting of prominent Nepali writers helped in the development of E-Pustakalaya. 

Maitri Trust UK, Nepal Library Foundation, India Development and Relief Fund (IDRF), and Rotary Club of Kathmandu Mid-Town have been OLE Nepal’s major partners and supporters in E-Pustakalaya development.

The use of the materials in E-Pustakalaya is governed by Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike copyright licenses.

E-Pustakalaya Sources

Offline Intallations in Schools and Communities

At places where internet access is unavailable, unreliable and expensive, offline E-Pustakalaya provides an offline source of educational resources. If schools already have a computer network, they can add E-Pustakalaya installed server and the network will be ready with E-Pustakalaya. We can provide relevant information on low-cost, low-power and reliable machine for the server. If schools don’t have school computer network, we can also help install the network. The network equipment include Router/Switch, cable and server. We can also provide training and support as per requirement.

E-Pustakalaya School Offline Network

Current Projects

Enhanced Accessibility in Learning

Sept. 1, 2022 - Dec. 31, 2023

The Enhanced Accessibility in Learning (EAL) Project, launched in partnership with the KDDI Foundation in September 2022, targets the enhancement of educational experiences for students with visual and hearing impairments across selected schools. This initiative, leveraging experiences from an earlier pilot, focused on advancing iOCR technology, converting 30 textbooks into accessible formats, and upgrading the accessibility of the E-Pustakalaya platform. In 2023, EAL dedicated its efforts to deploying these technologies and conducting specialized teacher training to nurture an inclusive learning atmosphere. The project aimed to seamlessly blend accessible content into the curriculum, enabling educators and students to embrace a more inclusive approach to learning and setting a precedent for inclusive education advancements.

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Accessible education for the visually impaired

Empowering Local Communities through Local Language Education and Skill-Based Training

Jan. 1, 2024 - Dec. 31, 2028

The LLEST Project targets two critical educational challenges in Nepal: the shortage of learning materials in local languages for early childhood education, and the lack of quality resources for skill-based training in rural areas. The project aims to enrich early learning with interactive stories in various local languages, while also enhancing vocational training accessibility through digital courses, focusing on bridging educational gaps in underserved communities.

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Algebra 1 Seepalaya Thumbnail

Expanding Educational Access and Skills through Technology

Aug. 1, 2024 - Aug. 31, 2027

The EAST project builds upon OLE Nepal's successful track record in ICT-based education and extends its impact to new regions by expanding its ICT in Education program, which equips schools with essential computing infrastructure and provides comprehensive training. The project will empower 12 schools in Karnali and Madhesh provinces with offline servers, interactive content, and smart classrooms, while providing comprehensive teacher training and support. Another major goal of the project is to upgrade the E-Paath platform by introducing new features and developing new curriculum-aligned learning materials for grades 6-8 in English, Math, and Science.

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Offline Server Infrastructure Image


Digital Learning Solutions Icon

Digital Learning Solutions

We develop free and open learning resources, designed with a student-centered approach and tailored to the local environment, to provide engaging and meaningful learning experiences for students.

Robotics and Programming Icon

Robotics and Programming

We train students and teachers to build and program robots using educational robotics kits, sensors, and easy-to-use graphical coding interfaces, fostering problem-solving, creativity, and technical skills.

Teacher Trainings Icon

Teacher Trainings

We empower teachers through comprehensive training in IT literacy, child-centric interactive teaching, and seamless integration of ICT-based instruction, utilizing practical teaching and interactive hands-on sessions.

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Infrastructure Support

We help schools set up low-power and affordable computer labs connected to an offline server and WIFI router, providing access to learning resources in areas with limited or no internet connectivity.

contact us

Whether a short-term event, project, or longer-term commitment, we welcome you to join the effort. Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form.

Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have further comments, you can also contact us directly at info@olenepal.org.
