Enhanced Accessibility in Learning - EAL

Sept. 1, 2022 - Dec. 31, 2023

Status: Completed

The Enhanced Accessibility in Learning (EAL) Project, launched in partnership with the KDDI Foundation in September 2022, targets the enhancement of educational experiences for students with visual and hearing impairments across selected schools. This initiative, leveraging experiences from an earlier pilot, focused on advancing iOCR technology, converting 30 textbooks into accessible formats, and upgrading the accessibility of the E-Pustakalaya platform. In 2023, EAL dedicated its efforts to deploying these technologies and conducting specialized teacher training to nurture an inclusive learning atmosphere. The project aimed to seamlessly blend accessible content into the curriculum, enabling educators and students to embrace a more inclusive approach to learning and setting a precedent for inclusive education advancements.

Title Enhanced Accessibility in Learning
Abbreviation EAL
Start date Sept. 1, 2022
End date Dec. 31, 2023
Status Completed
  • Schools Enhanced with Accessibility: Five schools, including three for visually impaired and two for hearing-impaired students, were equipped with offline servers, enabling access to E-Pustakalaya, accessible textbooks, and NSL-integrated learning resources, fostering an inclusive educational environment.
  • Comprehensive Training for Educators and Students: A total of 58 teachers and 40 students received training on accessible learning tools, enhancing their ability to utilize digital content effectively and creating a supportive learning atmosphere for students with sight and hearing related difficulties.
  • Expanding Digital Resource Usage: Across these five schools, 262 individuals utilized the accessible digital content, demonstrating the effective reach and positive reception of these educational resources within the school communities, contributing to an improved learning experience for all.
Activities and Timeline
  • Enhanced E-Pustakalaya site to meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), ensuring accessibility for online and offline users.
  • Developed iOCR software to convert texts, images, tables, and equations in Nepali and English into accessible EPUB formats, improving access for visually impaired learners.
  • Converted 30 textbooks into screen-reader-friendly formats, now accessible on the E-Pustakalaya site and offline in selected schools.
  • Equipped six schools with offline servers and conducted computer and digital content integration training for teachers and screen reader users, focusing on inclusivity for visually and hearing-impaired students.
  • Undertook rigorous monitoring and testing of the iOCR software, collecting feedback to refine its accuracy and user-friendliness, ensuring the technology meets the needs of users.
  • Conducted surveys with students and teachers to assess the impact and usage of digital learning resources, gathering insights to inform further enhancements and ensure the project's effectiveness.

KDDI Foundation

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