18 Entries for "Impact Stories"
Jan. 9, 2024 | Impact Stories | Shishir Pandey
“I can see pictures and animated videos! It is easier to understand the chapter after watching this,” said Nisha Budha, an eighth grader at Tapriza Secondary School in Dolpa. Nisha is quickly gaining confidence in navigating the course material on the computer. Tapriza is one of 15 program schools in Dolpa.
Nov. 25, 2019 | Impact Stories | OLE Nepal
OLE Nepal’s laptop program was introduced in fifteen schools in Darchula in August 2018, with the deployment of laptops after the completion of seven day initial teacher training program for 59 teachers in August 12-18, 2018. Our field team also traveled to all schools to install digital library servers in September 2018 and provide technical support.
Nov. 22, 2019 | Impact Stories | OLE Nepal
Software programmers from OLE Nepal attended MIT J-WEL Week on October 28-31, 2019 in Boston, where J-WEL collaborators from 33 countries convened for seminars, presentations, research briefs, hands-on exercises, panel discussions, and workshops. Throughout the program, in collaboration with MIT faculty and staff, members were exposed to new education research at MIT and explored mechanisms for implementation.