7 Entries for "Learning Applications Development"
Aug. 2, 2017 | Learning Applications Development | OLE Nepal
Since OLE Nepal’s inception in 2007 we have strived to provide open and free access to quality education and innovative learning environments to children all over Nepal. One of our core missions is to reduce the disparity found within the accessibility of learning tools brought about by geographic location, school type, and population group.
Oct. 2, 2016 | Learning Applications Development | OLE Nepal
At OLE Nepal, we strive to bring the best new technology to our classrooms. It's never easy to embrace a new piece of technology, for teachers are resistant to the change, with factors like power cuts and budget making up a huge share of challenge. So we set our selection of the technology based on the 3 prime constraints; low-powered, portable, and low cost. And for these traits, Raspberry Pi steps up as the knight in shining armor.
March 18, 2013 | Learning Applications Development | OLE Nepal
The E-Pustakalaya development team has changed the overall layout and design of the E-Pustakalaya website to make it more user-friendly. The landing page is now more dynamic and displays featured books based on popularity and other variables that can be changed periodically. It also displays recently added books, which helps users stay updated regarding new additions. The book cover preview makes it easier for users to notice and identify books.