9 Entries for "Learning Games Development"
Nov. 19, 2007 | Learning Games Development | OLE Nepal
In the office we talk a lot about how kids learn and what is the best strategy to help the most Nepali kids while working within the Nepali education system. Forgive me if this post is a bit scattered, I am just putting some ideas down.
Oct. 19, 2007 | Learning Games Development | OLE Nepal
OLE Nepal's first demo of learning activities is out just in time for Dashain. Download them from here (43 MB). To run the demo, you must first download and install the Squeak plugin, which is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Please download, comment, and enjoy.
Oct. 17, 2007 | Learning Games Development | OLE Nepal
We've now made the first demo of our Squeak-based kids' schooling environment, and it has been well received by the local community. Our work is designed specifically for classroom use and incorporates a Nepali theme throughout. It was done in a hurry, and our heroic illustrator Om only joined us at the last minute, but it's great to finally have something to show people!