8 Entries for "OLE Nepal in the News"
Aug. 22, 2020 | OLE Nepal in the News | Tikaraj Karki
विश्वव्यापी महामारी कोभिड १९ ले सबै क्षेत्रमा व्यापक असर पारेको छ । यसलाई कम गर्न देशव्यापी लकडाउन गरियो । शिक्षण संस्था, बैंक, यातायात, व्यापार, उद्योग बन्द गरिए । तैपनि संक्रमण बढ्यो । देशमा आर्थिक लगायत गतिविधि ठप्प प्रायः भए ।
July 29, 2020 | OLE Nepal in the News | OLE Nepal
OLE Nepal is working together with the KDDI Foundation and CityNet Yokohama (Japan) to launch an innovative program for home-based learning using shared technology for children without access to technology in Lalitpur.
April 23, 2020 | OLE Nepal in the News | OLE Nepal
OLE Nepal signs agreement to provide our complete collection of digital learning content to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MOEST) for free and open access to all learners.