We are extremely excited that Punyashil Gautam has joined our content development team. Punyashil is a distinguished artist, art educator, and teacher trainer. He will use his experience to help the development team make learning activities that meet the needs of teachers, Nepali students, and are beautiful.
Punyashil helped found the prestigious Rato Bangala School in Kathmandu. He will continue in his position at Rato Bangala and work with us part-time. While we would love to have his help 12 hours a day, he has already made a huge impact on our team in only a few sessions.
Luke just mentioned one of the great things about working with Squeak: when someone new arrives with a lot of new and different ideas, you can sit right next to them and draft the activities in minutes. Usually, programmers hate to hear, "I have a new idea, let's do this totally different!"