We have just finished the second phase of the teacher’s preparation programme by the starting of this week.It was a onsite programme and we were prepared for making the lesson plans while implementing the E-paatis in the classroom.I was rather concerned to the time management while using the E-paatis during teaching,since in the very first day,it was quite difficult to finish the class in more than one hour and fifteen minutes ,which was planned for fourty-five minutes.
The students were quite excited. Thats why, the children were not listening towards teacher.In fact,after opening the E-paati,their one eye was looking the teacher but another one was still looking the screen.
But,by the second and third day, there was a drastic change in the students’ behaviour.We hadn’t thought about that.By the third day,students were able to open other activities which we didn’t taught them.
They are enjoying the class.
The first week seems to have gone well.Students are not satisfied with the fourty minute class,they want a double period.
A long way to go.Hope that this programme will convey a good message through the whole country.