The office is getting crowded—really crowded. On Monday, we will have a total of 21 people in the office full-time. That doesn’t count volunteers who come in and out of the office. What do we do with 21 whole people?
- 6 full-time activity developers + Ties
- 1 full-time curriculum expert – the super-creative, super-wacky Kamana Regmi
- 2 full-time graphic designers – who develop the graphics for E-Paath (formerly E-Paati)
- Saurav – our education director
- Rajeev – who handles government relations (which is basically two full-time jobs)
- Upaya – who handles all things administration, including finance (he’s the guy who keeps this place functioning 🙂)
- Rabi – our executive director
- Dev – our network engineer
- Sulochan – sysadmin and E-Pustakalaya (E-Library) developer
- Me
- Mahabir Pun – in charge of network infrastructure and community relations
- Christine, Punyasheel, and Bipul – who help out with activity design and teacher training
We still need to hire a full-time network engineer and a full-time power engineer. These guys will be focused on building the network and power systems we need to expand OLPC throughout Nepal.
Amazing that with all these folks, we are all still working our butts off, and I often feel like I am way behind. Implementation is a big job.
Volunteers & Interns:
- Prasoon Karmacharya will be here for the next month full-time as a volunteer to help with testing and all things IT.
- Deepak Shrestha of Subisu has been incredibly helpful with all things networking.
- Doug Mayeux joined us this summer as our intern. I am really impressed with him—very energetic and intelligent. He will primarily relay our specific needs for content and activities to the larger OLPC community and gather all documentation and materials related to using EToys in the classroom. We want to use the EToys environment in a granular fashion to introduce individual concepts from math and science. For example, EToys can model gravity, but what if a student has no idea what gravity is? We need lesson plans that introduce high-level concepts and guide kids into working with them using EToys.
- David Van Assche will join us sometime in July for at least five months. He’s a Moodle expert and will help us build a custom Moodle setup for Nepal. We will happily share all our work and lessons with the larger OLPC community.
- Bernie Innocenti will be joining us in Kathmandu for the summer. I am extraordinarily excited about this. We really need his help to make our learning activities more collaborative and to better understand Sugar. We also want him to interact with Nepali kids and teachers to help make Sugar better suited to their needs.
That’s all for now—I have to go back to my day (writing) job for OLPC News!