I did the programming for three simple math activities: one for counting, one for organizing objects into a bar graph and answering simple questions, and one for recognizing currency notes. That was over four days, so I'm only operating at 75% of my target production rate—we'll see how much more work will be needed for testing and review. But I am starting to get a better idea of how long it takes for more experienced Etoys hackers (as we're becoming) to produce activities while balancing the usual distractions of life.
I've dropped the Squeak project files in my web directory in case someone wants to play around with them. They're for use with the XO Etoys image as usual. The money activity still needs more illustrations before it'll be fully playable—I’ll try to update it today.
I could possibly have finished the fourth activity (adding currency and answering with the keyboard) if I had continued this evening, but it's Friday, and Kathmandu is a fun city :-) So instead, I’ll spend the afternoon making improvements and then have a few beers to prepare for tomorrow’s 6 AM bungee jumping trip.
The next two weeks will be pretty busy, so I’ll be very satisfied if I can maintain the same production rate throughout. Let’s see how the beautiful little house I’m moving into at the edge of town affects my productivity!