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The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card-sized single-board computer developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation with the intention of promoting the teaching of basic computer science in schools. (Source: Wikipedia)

We also got hands on the much acclaimed Raspberry-Pi, thanks to OLE Inc in Cambridge, USA. We have tested to see if we could replace our traditional school server with Raspberry-Pi model B. However, Raspberry Pi couldn’t handle the the task when we loaded our digital library E-Pustakalaya on it. Though the page were browsable, the performance was very slow. We replaced Apache with Nginx and optimized Mysql, but still the CPU power was not powerful enough.

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Upon more investigation, we found more expensive but highly powerful Raspberry-Pi alternatives like Odroid from hardkernel. It comes with 1.7 GHz quad core CPU and 2GB of RAM. We are hopeful that this can replace our single core 1.6 GHz atom processor school server. We can reduce the cost of our future deployment tremendously by substituting MSI server, inverter and battery (for power backup) with Odroid, battery pack and SD card.