The E-Pustakalaya development team has changed the overall layout and design of the E-Pustakalaya website to make it more user-friendly. The landing page is now more dynamic and displays featured books based on popularity and other variables that can be changed periodically. It also displays recently added books, which helps users stay updated regarding new additions. The book cover preview makes it easier for users to notice and identify books.

E-Pustakalaya New Interface

All videos have been sorted into different categories based on content and are displayed with a preview image and title. Videos that cover two or more categories are placed in all relevant categories. A short preface about each video informs users about the content, and view counts reflect its popularity among users.

Videos with title and picture preview. Left panel shows different video categories.

The author page allows users to view a list of all authors, their biographies (if available), and links to their books. Efforts are ongoing to gather biographies for all authors.

Book Review:
Other important features in the books section include the bookshelf and book review. Users can use the bookshelf functionality to prioritize books to read, identify books for future reference, or share book lists with friends and other users. The book review feature allows users to write their opinions on books and rate them. Users can log in using their Google, Facebook, or Twitter accounts.

Audio Books:
Rato Bangala Foundation has created audio tapes of English course books used in public schools across the country. These audio tapes are highly popular in Dailekh, where most primary English teachers have received training on how to incorporate them into daily classroom lessons. Through OLE Nepal's partnership with the foundation, these tapes will be made available on E-Pustakalaya's portal.